President's Corner

Bro. Edward o. Olufelo, President

Welcome! I am very glad you have found us. Whether you have
accidentally run into our website or you have made a conscious effort
to locate us, I am excited that you are here. 

As the President of this great organization, I invite you to search the
pages of our website to learn more about us and our activities
worldwide. African Christian Fellowship Atlanta Chapter is a striving
Christian community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion
to mobilize and empower Africans worldwide to impact Africa and their
generation. While international and local missions and outreach are
our focus, our chapter has determined to make ACF a household name
in the state of Georgia within the next few months and years. 

To this end we welcome men, women, young and old of African
descent, and everyone that shares our vision, irrespective of race
(friends of Africa) to join us as members or organizations for
collaborative endeavors. Whatever is your professional discipline,
talents or ministry, our organization needs you. We are working on
building an orchestra, and a department of African languages. I
strongly believe that you will be a very valuable asset to the African
Christian Fellowship Atlanta Chapter. Please do not hesitate to contact
me personally via email or telephone.
May the Lord richly bless you.

Bro. Edward Olufelo, President

(404) 786-1571 .

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